Marcus Klaas de Vries

2024 learnings: the best and worst veg

In 2024 I learned just how good Spinach is when it comes to the micronutrient game. Check out this table.

Vegetable Vitamin A (IU) Vitamin C (mg) Vitamin K (μg) Folate (μg) Iron (mg) Calcium (mg) Magnesium (mg) Potassium (mg) Alpha-Linolenic Acid (mg)
Spinach 9,377 28.1 483 194 2.7 99 79 558 370
Broccoli 623 89.2 102 63 0.7 47 21 316 22
Carrot 16,706 5.9 13.2 19 0.3 33 12 320 < 10
Sweet Potato 14,187 2.4 2.3 11 0.6 30 25 337 < 10
Cauliflower 0 48.2 15.5 57 0.4 22 15 299 27
Kale 9,990 120 704 141 1.5 150 47 491 180
Bell Pepper 3,131 127.7 4.9 46 0.4 7 12 211 < 10
Brussels Sprouts 754 85 177 61 1.4 42 23 389 135
Eggplant 23 2.2 3.5 22 0.2 9 14 229 < 10

I never realized how well it scores across the board. And it puts down the best score 5 categories, most notably the folate one. It appears that folates are one of the trickiest micronutrients because it’s not soluable in fat and hence has a short half-life in the body of about 3 days. It also wins big on ALA (the omega-3 fatty acid), but that seems less important considering that the real important OMG3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA, which are pretty much exclusively found in seafood. ALA is useful in that the body can convert it to these more useful fatties, but does so inefficiently, at rates below 10% — also something I learned this year!

It seems we are wasting our time telling ourselves to eat veg as a blanket statement and should focus on Spinach instead.

This also confirms my long-held belief that eggplant is a garbage veg that should be avoided. And that there’s no point in working through the soggy mess that it is for the nutrients either.

Bonus points for Spinach for tasting reasonably good, and for cooking in like 2 minutes. If you even want to cook it at all, because you don’t even have to.

I hereby acknowledge Spinach to be the absolute undisputed veg king.